Be our member!
Become a Lifetime Member for only HK$30
Silence provides members with different services, such as free sign language interpretation services, family counseling, employment support, etc., hoping to help the deaf and hard of hearing people and solve their immediate difficulties.
After joining the membership, you can also participate in a variety of interesting activities. Silence will provide members with different free courses and activities on a regular basis. At the same time, members can also receive discounts on various courses, activities, and merchandise.
Why become a member?
Silence was established in 2008 to serve the deaf and hard of hearing. Hope to help deaf and hard of hearing people in life, family and employment, and solve daily difficulties. At the same time, Silence also strives to promote the development of sign language, hoping that society will gradually attach importance to sign language so that the deaf and hard of hearing people can obtain due rights and help.
Become a member and a friend of Silence! Bring precious support and encouragement to Silence's social services.
Steps to become a permanent member
1. Complete the form
2. Payment
FPS (Fast Payment System) 0694398
3. Submit information
Bring proof of payment and completed form send to Site Conversation or Whatsapp 46005247 or email to